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The Healthy Communities Partnership: Lanark, Leeds and Grenville has identified two recommended actions, for our communities, in each of the priority areas:

Healthy Communities Partnership

3rd Annual Eastern Ontario Active Transportation Summit

Eastern Ontario Active Transportation Summit

Are you interested in living in a healthy active community? One that is safe for walking and cycling? Learning how towns are transforming themselves into a more livable place? Are you an engaged citizen interested in living in a town like this? Learn about these simple concepts that make towns healthier, more vibrant and stronger economically. Perhaps you're a downtown business person, discover the economic potential of pedestrian and cycle friendly communities? Or a town planner or staff person, learn best practice techniques of others building healthier towns. Maybe you're a resident that wants to be able to get around your community more easily and safely on foot or on a bike. Join us at the Eastern Ontario Active Transportation Summit


Transport Canada Defines Active Transportation

“Active transportation refers to all human-powered forms of transportation, in particular walking and cycling. It includes the use of mobility aids such as wheel chairs, and can also encompass other active transport variations such as in-line skating, skateboarding, cross-country skiing, and even kayaking. Active transportation can also be combined with other modes, such as public transit.”

Active transportation is about how we use our communities. It is about creating safe and active communities where children can walk and bike, youth are engaged, seniors walk to their neighbours, trails and pathways connect us to natural spaces and community destinations. It is about strong economies, tourism, our environment and our wellbeing.

"Design is not just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works."- Steve Jobs

Our organizing committee included members representing the Counties of Lanark and Renfrew, including the Healthy Communities Partnership, Leeds Grenville and Lanark District Health Unit, Mills Community Support, the Town of Mississippi Mills, Mississippi Mills Bicycle Month, Renfrew County Physical Activities Network, Canada Walks, Ontario by Bike and Share the Road.

We created an agenda that offered valued learning opportunities for Eastern Ontario communities focussing on the topic of “Creating Healthy Active Communities through Active Transportation.” This summit will have a rural focus.

There was information for a variety of people involved in active transportation including municipalities (economic development, recreation & road planning), businesses, residents, health and community agencies.

The event provided success stories about making communities more bikeable and walkable through trails, sidewalks, parks and pathways. We had an excellent list of Presenters who shared ideas, resources, and expertise.

To learn more about the presenters have a look at our presentation outlines and bios. Sign up early to get your preferred workshop selections. Deadline for registration is May 6th, 2016.

Additional Resources:


This year's event took place in the beautiful rural town of Kemptville Ontario within the Municipality of North Grenville on May 13, 2016. To learn more about North Grenville or to see where it is being held see information on their municipal centre and the links included.

Past Events


Dr. Paula Stewart

Medical Officer of Health
Leeds, Grenville and Lanark District Health Unit

Phone: 613-283-2740


*Please allow up to 48 hours for an email response.

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